Friday, May 6, 2011

Zombies, let's get together!

Hey everybody, I was thinking it would be cool for us to do some stuff together. I thought about a couple of things, let me know what you think:

1. We can all start a .psd file with some random sketch and paint something around and then pass it to someone else [we'll figure out a way to do it], then that person turns into a final piece. So at the end what each of us will basically have is a 2-man collab piece.
2. We can do a huge .psd file and pass it around to all of us one at a time. Huge collab!
3. We can do a "group shot", where we will all make a full body selfportrait of ourselves and then put them all together in one group photo. Wouldn't that be cool?

There's a ton of ideas roaming around my head and i'd love doing virtually any of all of these. I know time is tight as it is for all of us but heh, we can have loads of fun with these. What do you think? Hit up a comment!
Just so this isn't a blank post:


  1. fuck yes
    im thinking a group self portrait would be amazing, that could also be a giant collab too : D
    dope sp btw

  2. yeah the third idea about the group self portrait sounds really interesting!

  3. I like all of the ideas, sounds pretty cool!
    Nice pic, too. :)

  4. this group-self portrait thing could become something like a signature instead of the banner were using right now ( which by all means is cool! so no offense ^^ ) so everyone joining the party could do one and will be incorporated in the banner of the blog afterwards , but I like all 3 ideas ^^

  5. Yup we can start with the group selfportrait, it would be cool to use on different occasions as Partisan said hehe. Alright zombies, how do we do this?

  6. first things first : we need a knife fight to make clear who gets the spots right in the middle ...last one standing gets to decide ... so BRING IT ON!

    and maybe we should find someone who would like to incorporate the single pictures into one and keep it updated.

  7. i love the second and the third idea! lets go for it!

  8. hah this is gonna be triiiickkkyy
    we could do it alphabetical? lol

  9. I can merge them all together, just start puttin' them up! Oh and i guess transparent .png would be great right?

  10. lets thumbnail lot of composition ideas okay? then we'll work out where everybody will be and then we just through it around and shit :)

  11. we should skype around hehe. my skype is sickbrush. add me up!

  12. yeah man for sure, i'm ryan.mcshane2

  13. i dont know mine....merde ...its "masouka666" I think ...but I dont know for sure
